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Claiming Your TGIToday™

Are you living with a TGIF mindset?
Everyone loves Fridays – What is not to love? The workweek is almost behind us; the weekend is here.
Still, is it only about Fridays? Or do you anxiously await the next vacation, the next promotion, retirement, the next – anything?
Maybe as soon that next thing happens, your sights are on the next; joy could be slipping through your fingertips, and you are too busy to notice.
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Perhaps you do notice the haunting question, “Is this all there is?”
Possibly you hear the whisper from within pulling you toward your purpose. Ultimately, you might wonder how you can bring more joy into your life.
If you are always focused on what’s to come in the future, then the present moments of your life can be lost. That is why the joy we are in search of seems just beyond reach – because the present moment is where true joy lies.
Luckily, there is hope!
Hope lies in a small shift » from TGIF to TGIToday™
It is possible – and fairly simple – to create a life we can love today.
Are you living with a TGIF mindset?
Everyone loves Fridays – What is not to love? The workweek is almost behind us; the weekend is here.
Still, is it only about Fridays? Or do you anxiously await the next vacation, the next promotion, retirement, the next – anything?
Maybe as soon that next thing happens, your sights are on the next; joy could be slipping through your fingertips, and you are too busy to notice.
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Perhaps you do notice the haunting question, “Is this all there is?”
Possibly you hear the whisper from within pulling you toward your purpose. Ultimately, you might wonder how you can bring more joy into your life.
If you are always focused on what’s to come in the future, then the present moments of your life can be lost. That is why the joy we are in search of seems just beyond reach – because the present moment is where true joy lies.
Luckily, there is hope!
Hope lies in a small shift » from TGIF to TGIToday™
It is possible – and fairly simple – to create a life we can love today.
Claiming Your TGIToday™
Is your happiness on hold until Friday? True bliss is on the other side of TGIF.
Juggling work projects, kids’ activities, and never-ending to-dos at home don’t leave much time for joy. Happiness can feel like it’s on hold until every celebrated Friday, but that TGIF mentality is standing in your way of true bliss!
Happiness isn’t hiding in your weekend, vacation, or promotion. You deserve joy today–and you can find it within yourself instead of waiting for tomorrow.
Brianne Ligori is a former corporate leader, serial entrepreneur, author, and Professional ICF Certified Coach.
A delicious blend of traditional self-help, inspirational wisdom, and guided journaling, Claiming Your TGIToday is your empowering companion toward a life you love right now that includes:
- The exact TGIToday™ formula to help bring more joy to your life
- 8 “bread crumb” exercises to help you discover your inner purpose, and happiness sparking calling
- Improving the relationships that mean the most to you even if they have been challenging
- How to make the most of your time and energy while aligning to your inner truth
- Discover the unique and empowering process that will help you stand in your power and release the pesky stress in your life
With beautiful illustrations and a simple approach, this guide will lead you to uncover your inner truths, discover your purpose, and start seeking joy in the present–where it’s been all along.
Don’t hold off on joy today by wishing for Friday! Get Claiming Your TGIToday and achieve happiness in the present moment that’s waiting right in front of you.
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Your journey to Claim Your TGIToday™ begins with a simple assessment to help you understand where you are currently. It moves into the core exploration of the following topics:

PURPOSE – exploring your unique purpose by discovering your inner calling.
PEOPLE – learning the truth about what you want and need from people in your life.
PACE – showing you what an important and meaningful use of your time is.
POWER OF CHOICE – empowering you to stand in your truth and make choices aligned to your TGIToday™.
You will complete your journey with a meaningful, actionable plan to create a life of joy by living your TGIToday™.
Claiming Your TGIToday™ will help you float gracefully off the treadmill and into your beautiful lives. There is no time to waste – joy can be found TODAY.
TGIToday gave me the time and the excitement to go for what I want. It helped me to stop autopiloting my choices and think for ME. You are worth it!
4-Minutes to Take Back Control of Your Life!
The TGIToday™ Formula is for people who are ready for more meaning and fulfillment. It all starts by knowing where you are today.

“Happiness is a choice I make.”
Gabrielle Bernstein
“Happiness is a choice I make.”
– Gabrielle Bernstein –

About Brianne
Brianne Ligori lives and leads from the heart. She believes that everybody can – and should – live a life of purpose and joy. In her writing and coaching, Brianne is laser-focused on a world view of infinite possibilities and a relentless pursuit of finding joy in everyday life. She sets an inspiring example by standing firmly for living according to her inner truth. Choosing joy, Brianne bravely set aside her dazzling corporate career to follow her bliss – helping people create more joyous lives.
Brianne’s desire to help people transform their lives led her to a master coaching certification through the International Coach Federation. Her expertise and passion have been the driving force behind helping herself and others step off the treadmill and into a life of purpose and meaning.
Brianne’s journey to find joy sparked her inspired mission to unlock the mystery of finding joy today instead of waiting tomorrow, and she found the key – the TGIToday formula!
Brianne’s teachings have inspired countless people to shift from a TGIF mentality – constantly wishing for tomorrow, to a TGIToday way of life – a life of inner peace and happiness.